Region 4

Also known as the 4th Fleet STARFLEET , The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.

Region 4

Also known as the 4th Fleet STARFLEET , The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.


Our Mission

To bring people together and foster meaningful connections through a variety of social activities and events. 

Membership Benefits

Chapters in Region 4 of STARFLEET International are focused on providing a fun experience to all members. We provide opportunities to lead, serve our communities, and learn about science and space exploration. Whether you’re looking to expand your social circle or simply have fun, Region 4 is here for “Star Trek” fans. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and make lasting friendships. (The photo above shows Region 4 members at the Japanese Garden, the Van Nuys, Calif., site used as a filming location for Starfleet headquarters and Starfleet Academy in the “Star Trek” spinoff series.)